Stand Your Ground Across the Nation

  • Stand Your Ground
  • No Stand Your Ground
  • Partial Stand Your Ground

Stand Your Ground Laws are often expansions of the Castle Laws. They address the use of force outside of one's home, place of work, or vehicle. They cover most of the same issues as the castle laws (the places where this law applies, the requirements fro use of deadly force, if there is a duty to retreat, the amount of force that maybe used in defending one's self or others) the main difference is the location. Some states that do not have a technical Stand Your Ground Law have extensive Castle Laws that address locations outside of the home, place of work, etc. The circumstances of the law vary widely from state to state.

State Long-guns Handguns
Alabama Yes Yes
Alaska Yes Yes
Arizona Yes Yes
Arkansas No No
California No No
Colorado No No
Connecticut No No
Delaware No No
District of Columbia No No
Florida Yes Yes
Georgia Yes Yes
Hawaii No No
Idaho No No
Illinois No No
Indiana Yes yes
Iowa No No
Kansas Yes Yes
Kentucky Yes Yes
Louisiana Yes Yes
Maine No No
Maryland No No
Massachusetts No No
Michigan Yes Yes
Minnesota No No
Mississippi Yes Yes
Missouri Yes Yes
Montana Yes Yes
Nebraska No No
Nevada Yes Yes
New Hampshire Yes Yes
New Jersey No No
New Mexico No No
New York No No
North Carolina Yes Yes
North Dakota Yes Yes
Ohio Yes Yes
Oklahoma Yes Yes
Oregon No No
Pennsylvania Yes Yes
Rhode Island No No
South Carolina Yes Yes
South Dakota No No
Tennessee Yes Yes
Texas Yes Yes
Utah Yes Yes
Vermont No No
Virginia No No
Washington No No
West Virginia Yes Yes
Wisconsin Yes Yes
Wyoming No No

*Under certain conditions, see the law page for details.

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