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Overview for Virginia
Virginia does allow open carry in a vehicle as long as the firearm is clearly visible. It is legal to carry a concealed handgun while hunting as long as the person is licensed for concealed carry and has their permit with them. Hunting with a firearm while under the effects of a narcotic or intoxicant drug is illegal. Setting a set gun, spring trap, or a firearm that can be fired by a tripwire is illegal. Suppressors may be used to hunt animals has long as it is legally owned.
- Open carry of assault weapons and shotguns that have a magazine that can hold 7 or more rounds is illegal in the following cities: Chesapeake, Fairfax, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Falls Church, Newport News, Richmond, and Alexandria. The same applies to these counties: Prince William, Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun, or Henrico. Citizens with a concealed carry permit are exempt from this.
State Preemption of Local RestrictionsDetails
The Concealed Carry Permit
(often encompasses the open carry permit)
- Price: Can not exceed $50
- Valid for 5 years
- Regarding Non-residents of Virginia: $100
- Non-resident permits are valid for 5 years
- An owner's license is Not Needed
- Permit to Purchase: Not Needed
- Permits to Purchase Year/Cost: Not Needed
Official Concealed Carry page for Virginia.
Virginia Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Virginia Magazine Capacity
- If a magazine is able to hold more than 20 rounds, the state of Virginia considers it as an assault weapon and you must comply with Virginia's assault weapons laws.
Virginia Ghost Gun law
The Ghost gun law in Virginia states the following:
- [SB 1181: Prohibits the unserialized, untraceable parts that are used to build ghost guns] (https://www.everytown.org/press/virginia-senate-judiciary-committee-advances-life-saving-gun-safety-bills-including-strengthening-secure-storage-laws-disarming-domestic-abusers-expanding-extreme-risk-laws-and-prohibiting-ghost-gun/#:~:text=Ghost%20Guns%3A&text=Because%20ghost%20guns%20have%20no,used%20to%20build%20ghost%20guns.)
Virginia Imitation Firearms
What is classified as an Imitation Firearm in Virginia?
The following is a list of imitation firearms in Virginia:
- [¤ 18.2-284. Selling or giving toy firearms. No person shall sell, barter, exchange, furnish, or dispose of by purchase, gift or in any other manner any toy gun, pistol, rifle or other toy firearm, if the same shall, by action of an explosion of a combustible material, discharge blank or ball charges. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. Each sale of any of the articles hereinbefore specified to any person shall constitute a separate offense.] (https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-284/#:~:text=No%20person%20shall%20sell%2C%20barter,discharge%20blank%20or%20ball%20charges.)
- Any pneumatic gun
- BB guns
- Air rifles
- Paintball gun
Does Virginia have a gun buy back program?
Virginia does not run, or fund any gun buyback programs.
Does Virginia have an inheritance gun law?
Virginia does not have an inheritance gun law.