License types: 1
Total Locations: 6
Total Mfg in 2020: 287
Dirty Bird Industries LLC has a total of 3 firearm licenses accross 6 distinct locations.
2420 Mohawk St Ste 700, Bakersfield, CA
The table below has general information about each license under Dirty Bird Industries LLC. Use the link at the end of each row to expand the information shown for that license.
License Number | License Type | Location | # Mfg | Exp Date | |
9-77-029-07-6E-04259 | 07 | 2420 Mohawk St Ste 700, Bakersfield, CA | 287 | May 1, 2026 | |
1-56-069-07-5H-16503 | 07 | 400 Park Aveneue, Youngsville, NC | 0 | Aug 1, 2025 | |
1-56-069-07-7K-15723 | 07 | 400 Park Avenue, Youngsville, NC | 0 | Oct 1, 2017 |
Firearm Type | Number MFG | Percentage |
Pistols | 0 | 0.00% |
Rifles | 0 | 0.00% |
Revolvers | 0 | 0.00% |
Shotguns | 0 | 0.00% |
Miscellaneous | 287 | 100.00% |
Dirty Bird Industries LLC manufactured 287 firearms in 2020 accross all 3 of their licenses. The pie chart has a breakdown seperated by type of firearms. Miscs make up 100.00% of the firearms that Dirty Bird Industries LLC produce with 287 manufactured.
The table below has a list of firearm licensees within the same zip code of Dirty Bird Industries LLC.
License Name | License Number | License Type | Business Name | Location |
Big 5 Corp | 9-77-029-01-9J-15036 | 01 | Big 5 Sporting Goods 42 | 3214 Ming Ave, Bakersfield, CA |
Kenneth M Massey | 9-77-029-01-9B-19887 | 01 | N/A | 201 Lowell Dr, Bakerfield, CA |
James Harry Jr Hart | 9-77-029-01-9L-26925 | 01 | Jim S Hobby | 13208 San Juan Ave, Bakersfield, CA |
Peter J Cattani | 9-77-029-01-0A-27188 | 01 | Ammo Dump The | 4040 Easton Dr 1, Bakersfield, CA |
Big 5 Corp | 9-77-029-01-9J-27249 | 01 | Big 5 Sporting Goods 272 | 3203 Mall View Rd, Bakersfield, CA |
John P Kaiser | 9-77-029-01-9J-32195 | 01 | Kaisers Precision Shooting | 2017 Renfro Road, Bakersfield, CA |
William Marvin Williams | 9-77-029-01-0D-33863 | 01 | Mountain Man Shooting Supplies | 3103 Oak Pl, Bakersfield, CA |
Successor For G Thome Jr Cynthia Nicholson Thome | 9-77-029-01-0E-33957 | 01 | Bear Mtn Sports | 8032 Di Miller D, Bakersfield, CA |
Mark Steven & Audrey Marie Mcdowell | 9-77-029-01-9G-35793 | 01 | Mark S Firearms Sales | 6932 Heatherwood Dr, Bakersfield, CA |
Ray Francis Cox | 9-77-029-01-0J-36796 | 01 | N/A | 2705 Deer Trail Ct, Bakersfield, CA |