License Name: Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman

Business Name: Cedar Hill Pawn

License Type: 02 - Pawnbroker in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices

Expired Expires: May 1, 2022

Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman in Cedar Hill, TX has a type 02 federal firearm license. Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman does business under the name Cedar Hill Pawn This license expired on May 1, 2022, which means that unless Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.

License Number





100 W Beltline Rd, Cedar Hill, TX

Phone Number


Licensees near Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman

There are a total of 342 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman.

License name Location License Type
Logistics Management Usa Corporation 1630 Cimarron Trl, Midlothian, TX 08
Srp Lineage LLC 4800 W Illinois Ave Apt 1102, Dallas, TX 01
Gunnyrob LLC 5015 Eastcreek Dr, Arlington, TX 01
The Firearm Depot LLC 2029 N Houston School Rd, Lancaster, TX 01
3r Adventures LLC 168 Rocky Ridge Rd, Red Oak, TX 01
Danny Wayne And Wiley Duke 7921 Rendon Bloodworth Road, Mansfield, TX 07
Crusader Firearms LLC 3105 Clydesdale St, Alvarado, TX 01
Blackout Training Group LLC 211 Winters Edge Drive, Red Oak, TX 01
Pawn Tx Inc 831 E Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 02
Pawn Tx Inc 2701 W Davis, Dallas, TX 02

Map of Licensees near Jeannine As Successor To Furr Whitman within 15 miles

The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.