Gh Arms LLC

Total Licenses: 2

License types: 2

Total Locations: 1

Total Mfg in 2020: 6

Gh Arms LLC has a total of 2 firearm licenses accross 1 distinct locations.

Gh Arms LLC Aproximate Location and Information

Most Recent Lincese Number





208 Nw 19th Street, Oklahoma City, OK

Phone Number


Gh Arms LLC Firearm License List

The table below has general information about each license under Gh Arms LLC. Use the link at the end of each row to expand the information shown for that license.

License Number License Type Location # Mfg Exp Date
5-73-109-07-6H-06534 07 208 Nw 19th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 6 Aug 1, 2026
Region: Southwest Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices Phone: (918)-706-6007
5-73-109-08-6H-06536 08 208 Nw 19th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 0 Aug 1, 2026
Region: Southwest Importer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices Phone: (918)-706-6007

Firearms Manufactured by Gh Arms LLC

Firearm Type Number MFG Percentage
Pistols 0 0.00%
Rifles 9 150.00%
Revolvers 0 0.00%
Shotguns 0 0.00%
Miscellaneous 0 0.00%

Gh Arms LLC manufactured 6 firearms in 2020 accross all 2 of their licenses. The pie chart has a breakdown seperated by type of firearms. Rifles make up 150.00% of the firearms that Gh Arms LLC produce with 9 manufactured.

Licensees near Gh Arms LLC

The table below has a list of firearm licensees within the same zip code of Gh Arms LLC.

License Name License Number License Type Business Name Location
Cold Hand Arms LLC 5-73-109-07-1E-02798 07 N/A 615 W Wilshire Ste 1400, Oklahoma City, OK
Bobby Allen Ausborn 5-73-109-01-1H-02902 01 Oklahoma Custom Gunworx 9201 N Council Rd Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK
Russell Brent Hawkins 5-73-109-07-8J-02947 07 Russell Hawkins 402 Ash Rd, Choctaw, OK
Sooner State Pawn LLC 5-73-109-02-8K-02952 02 N/A 1009 Southwest 59th St, Oklahoma City, OK
Freedom Pawn LLC 5-73-109-02-8K-02979 02 N/A 7936 N Macarthur Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK
Margaret L Bissett Knight 5-73-109-02-8K-02984 02 Airline Pawn Shop 3700 New Castle Rd, Oklahoma City, OK
Thomas L Swanson 5-73-109-01-8M-03054 01 Thomas L Swanson 5937 N Macarthur Blvd, Warr Acres, OK
American Security Traq LLC 5-73-109-01-9A-03071 01 N/A 510 E Memorial Road,suite B1, Oklahoma City, OK
Sierra 1 Gun Works LLC 5-73-017-07-9B-03090 07 Sierra 1 Gun Works 13916 Pennyworth Dr, Yukon, OK
James Earl Pellar 5-73-017-01-9C-03099 01 Discount Gun Sales Of Oklahoma 11100 N Hastings Ave, Yukon, OK

Map of Licensees near Gh Arms LLC within 15 miles

Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status any license listed on this page.