License Name: Got Your 6 LLC

Business Name: N/A

License Type: 07 - Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices

Expired Expires: Feb 1, 2020

Got Your 6 LLC in Las Vegas, NV has a type 07 federal firearm license. Got Your 6 LLC does business under the name N/A This license expired on Feb 1, 2020, which means that unless Got Your 6 LLC has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.

License Number





8912 Spanish Ridge Ave Ste 2109, Las Vegas, NV

Phone Number


Firearms Manufactured by Got Your 6 LLC

Firearm Type Number MFG Percentage
Pistols 18 69.23%
Rifles 7 26.92%
Revolvers 0 0.00%
Shotguns 1 3.85%
Miscellaneous 0 0.00%

Got Your 6 LLC manufactured 26 firearms with this license in 2020. The pie chart has a breakdown seperated by type of firearms. Pistols make up 69.23% of the firearms that Got Your 6 LLC produce with 18 manufactured.

Licensees near Got Your 6 LLC

There are a total of 421 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Got Your 6 LLC.

License name Location License Type
Gun Butler LLC 3140 Polaris Ave Ste 25, Las Vegas, NV 07
Eltiste Stamp Acquistions LLC 524 Mia Isabella Ct, Henderson, NV 01
Agc Ecommerce LLC 3228 N Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV 01
Kag Enterprises Inc 5580 S Decatur Blvd, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 07
Strike Pioneer LLC 5987 South Topaz Street, Las Vegas, NV 07
Strike Pioneer LLC 5987 South Topaz Street, Las Vegas, NV 08
Tnt Pawn Nv LLC 9265 N Cimarron Road Suite 105, Las Vegas, NV 02
Tnt Pawn Nv LLC 4342 Cactus Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 02
Action Munition Group LLC 3505 Calentina Ave, Henderson, NV 01
Spear LLC 1984 Misano Monte St, Henderson, NV 07

Map of Licensees near Got Your 6 LLC within 15 miles

The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.