License Type: 01 - Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths)
James Jankowski in Peoria, AZ has a type 01 federal firearm license. James Jankowski does business under the name N/A This license expired on Jan 1, 2025, which means that unless James Jankowski has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.
**** NOTE This expiration date is based on our most recent data downloaded from the ATF website. The update was perfomed on: September 2, 2024. This means that the expiration date may not be accurate. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to research the status of this license. ****
7917 West Via Del Sol, Peoria, AZ
There are a total of 782 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as James Jankowski.
License name | Location | License Type |
Mcmillan Fiberglass Stocks Inc | 1638 W Knudsen Dr, Ste A, Phoenix, AZ | 01 |
Napoleon Jr Collins | 7327 West Oregon Ave, Glendale, AZ | 01 |
Douglas J Johnson | 1726 W Seldon Ln, Phoenix, AZ | 01 |
Philip D Roberts | 5844 W Marconi Ave, Glendale, AZ | 01 |
The Gunsmith Inc | 10210 N 32 St, Phoenix, AZ | 01 |
Bruce E Susscessor Of Krager Krager | 10564 W Melinda Ln, Peoria, AZ | 07 |
Evan Mark Bagner | 6346 W Briles Rd, Phoenix, AZ | 01 |
Phillip Arthur Arrington | 21629 N 9th Ave Ste F, Phoenix, AZ | 01 |
Dominick L Dalitto | 21542 N 92nd Ln, Peoria, AZ | 06 |
A To Z Pawns Inc | 1818 W Bell Rd Ste 105, Phoenix, AZ | 02 |
The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.