License Name: Tommy Leroy Johnson

Business Name: Johnson S Precision Gunsmithing

License Type: 01 - Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths)

Active Expires: May 1, 2026

Tommy Leroy Johnson in Bakersfield, CA has a type 01 federal firearm license. Tommy Leroy Johnson does business under the name Johnson S Precision Gunsmithing This license is still active, but will expire on May 1, 2026.

License Number





8914 Cumberland Ct, Bakersfield, CA

Phone Number


Licensees near Tommy Leroy Johnson

There are a total of 159 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Tommy Leroy Johnson.

License name Location License Type
Hardrock Alpha Enterprises LLC 13405 Coco Palm Ct, Bakersfield, CA 01
Kenneth David Jr Kay 2032 Torrey Drive, Bakersfield, CA 01
Isela Isabel Torres 10900 Dee Dee Ave, Bakersfield, CA 01
Cynthia Gomez 7531 Lindsay Rd, Bakersfield, CA 07
Cody Maxwell 204 El Tovar Ct, Bakersfield, CA 01
Elite Guns Ammo & Training LLC 1201 20th St Ste B, Bakersfield, CA 01
Scott Brian Curran 4824 N Chester Extension, Bakersfield, CA 01
Joshua Kimball 4512 Mccray Ave, Bakersfield, CA 01
Eric And Megan Anderson 14115 Santa Fe Ct, Bakersfield, CA 01
Bear Mountain Sports Inc 8032 Dimiller Unit D, Bakersfield, CA 01

Map of Licensees near Tommy Leroy Johnson within 15 miles

The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.