License Name: Gordy H Linnell

Business Name: Northern Rifle Accurizing

License Type: 01 - Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths)

Expired Expires: Jun 1, 2022

Gordy H Linnell in Grand Forks, ND has a type 01 federal firearm license. Gordy H Linnell does business under the name Northern Rifle Accurizing This license expired on Jun 1, 2022, which means that unless Gordy H Linnell has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.

License Number





1624 10th Ave N, Grand Forks, ND

Phone Number


Licensees near Gordy H Linnell

There are a total of 41 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Gordy H Linnell.

License name Location License Type
Technology Applications Group Inc 810 South 48th Street, Grand Forks, ND 01
Baron Arms LLC 1611 S 17th St, Grand Forks, ND 07
Elevated Precision LLC 1548 30th Ave Ne, Manvel, ND 07
Kenneth Leo Hoverson 2877 16th St Ne, Manvel, ND 07
Waffle House After Dark LLC 1801 36th Ave Apt 112, Grand Forks, ND 07
Back Alley Studios LLC 610 Cherry St, Grand Forks, ND 01
Charles Richard Gibbs 1506 S Washington, Grand Forks, ND 01
Ben Jensen 3702 21st Ave S, Grand Forks, ND 01
Scheels All Sports Inc 2800 S Columbia Rd Bldg 1, Grand Forks, ND 01
Walmart Inc 2551 32nd Ave South, Grand Forks, ND 01

Map of Licensees near Gordy H Linnell within 15 miles

The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.