Bryan Douglas Maddox

Total Licenses: 2

License types: 1

Total Locations: 3

Total Mfg in 2020: 0

Bryan Douglas Maddox has a total of 2 firearm licenses accross 3 distinct locations.

Bryan Douglas Maddox Aproximate Location and Information

Most Recent Lincese Number





5076 Riles Drive, Bessemer, AL

Phone Number


Bryan Douglas Maddox Firearm License List

The table below has general information about each license under Bryan Douglas Maddox. Use the link at the end of each row to expand the information shown for that license.

License Number License Type Location # Mfg Exp Date
1-63-073-01-6L-09843 01 5076 Riles Drive, Bessemer, AL 0 Nov 1, 2026
Region: Southeast Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) Phone: (205)-807-2394
1-63-073-01-3G-03809 01 5076 Riles Dr, Bessemer, AL 0 Jul 1, 2023
Region: Southeast Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) Phone: (205)-492-0140

Licensees near Bryan Douglas Maddox

The table below has a list of firearm licensees within the same zip code of Bryan Douglas Maddox.

License Name License Number License Type Business Name Location
David Archie Daniel 1-63-073-07-6E-09646 07 Trademark Guns 1 Or T Gi 901 Glaze Drive, Bessemer, AL
Kevin Lee Cochran 1-63-073-07-6L-09810 07 N/A 4531 Lake Ave, Bessemer, AL
Guided Arms LLC 1-63-073-07-6K-09816 07 Guided Arms 1712 12th Ave N Suite A, Bessemer, AL
Ts Arms 1-63-117-07-6L-09836 07 N/A 2639 Pelham Pkwy, Pelham, AL
Whhg Inc 1-63-117-07-7C-09870 07 N/A 2639 Pelham Pkwy, Pelham, AL
Dynamic Management Group LLC 1-63-117-02-7B-09954 02 Family Pawn 2215 Pelham Parkway A, Pelham, AL
Bangers 1-63-073-08-7D-10006 08 Iron Valley Supply 101 London Parkway, Birmingham, AL
Simmons Sporting Goods Co Inc 1-63-073-01-9L-12350 01 N/A 2001 2nd Ave, Bessemer, AL
Pleasant Grove Gun Sup 1-63-073-01-1G-15728 01 N/A 839 Park Road, Pleasant Grove, AL
Sutter S Mill Gold & Jewelry Inc 1-63-117-02-0F-33640 02 Pee Wees Pawn Shop 2692 C Pelham Pkwy, Pelham, AL

Map of Licensees near Bryan Douglas Maddox within 15 miles

Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status any license listed on this page.