Donald R Miller

Total Licenses: 2

License types: 1

Total Locations: 2

Total Mfg in 2020: 0

Donald R Miller has a total of 2 firearm licenses accross 2 distinct locations.

Donald R Miller Aproximate Location and Information

Most Recent Lincese Number





3468 Riverview Rd, Metropolis, IL

Phone Number


Donald R Miller Firearm License List

The table below has general information about each license under Donald R Miller. Use the link at the end of each row to expand the information shown for that license.

License Number License Type Location # Mfg Exp Date
3-37-127-01-1J-11008 01 3468 Riverview Rd, Metropolis, IL 0 Sep 1, 2021
Region: Midwest Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) Phone: (618)-543-6236
1-57-083-01-0B-45397 01 7552 Lone Oak Rd, Spartanburg, SC 0 Feb 1, 2020
Region: Southeast Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) Phone: (864)-503-0798

Licensees near Donald R Miller

The table below has a list of firearm licensees within the same zip code of Donald R Miller.

License Name License Number License Type Business Name Location
William H Ii Orr 4-61-145-01-9E-06984 01 N/A 201 Cedar Ave, Paducah, KY
Asher S Gunsmithing And Firearms LLC 4-61-145-01-0A-07316 01 Asher S Gunsmithing & Firearms 200 Wellington Cir, Paducah, KY
Ar Gun Works LLC 4-61-145-07-0B-07353 07 N/A 5235 Clinton Rd, Paducah, KY
Academy Ltd 4-61-145-01-9C-07443 01 Academy Sports Outdoors 233 150 Mcbride Ln, Paducah, KY
Rk Holdings LLP 4-61-145-01-0F-07535 01 Rural King Holdings LLP 4711 Cairo Rd, Paducah, KY
Robert Lee Alexander 4-61-145-01-0G-07573 01 Robert Alexander Auctions Rare Auction Group 4000 Olivet Church Rd, Paducah, KY
Cwi Inc 4-61-145-01-0M-07778 01 Gander Outdoors 3240 James Sanders Blvd, Paducah, KY
James Logan Watson 4-61-145-01-1E-07987 01 The Gun Doctor 3331 Lovelaceville Road, Paducah, KY
Joseph Dukes 4-61-007-02-2D-08342 02 Gold Strike Pawn 176 Broadway, La Center, KY
Christopher Michael Pearson 4-61-145-01-2G-08425 01 South Pole Ventures 105 Pershing Way, Paducah, KY

Map of Licensees near Donald R Miller within 15 miles

Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status any license listed on this page.