License Type: 07 - Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices
Ogden Gun Traders LLC in Riverdale, UT has a type 07 federal firearm license. Ogden Gun Traders LLC does business under the name Ogden Gun Traders This license expired on Oct 1, 2018, which means that unless Ogden Gun Traders LLC has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.
1221 W 4500 S, Riverdale, UT
There are a total of 276 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Ogden Gun Traders LLC.
License name | Location | License Type |
South Ogden Gun & Pawn LLC | 2 Chimes View Circle, Ogden, UT | 02 |
Lance Alan Harries | 2323 E 2350 N, Layton, UT | 01 |
Don Jay Avis | 3765 W 5800 S, Roy, UT | 01 |
Verl N Creager | 1539 N 5900 E, Eden, UT | 01 |
Leland Verl Child | 4175 South 4300 West, West Haven, UT | 07 |
Smith & Edwards Co | 3936 North Hwy 126, Ogden, UT | 01 |
Big 5 Corp | 1803 W 1800 North Unit H1, Clinton, UT | 01 |
Smokin Oaks Firearms LLC | 2259 E 1975 N, Layton, UT | 01 |
12 Street Pawn & Loan Inc | 525 W 12 Street, Ogden, UT | 02 |
Richards Sheet Metal Works Inc | 2680 Industrial Drive, Ogden, UT | 07 |
The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.