Vts Logistics LLC

Total Licenses: 2

License types: 1

Total Locations: 2

Total Mfg in 2020: 0

Vts Logistics LLC has a total of 2 firearm licenses accross 2 distinct locations.

Vts Logistics LLC Firearm License List

The table below has general information about each license under Vts Logistics LLC . Use the link at the end of each row to expand the information shown for that license.

License Number License Type Location # Mfg Exp Date
9-91-053-11-9J-07024 11 711 Commerce St Ste 12, Tacoma, WA 0 Sep 1, 2029 view more
Region: Western Importer of Destructive Devices Phone: (253)-272-7273
9-91-053-11-3M-10766 11 711 Commerce Street 12, Tacoma, WA 0 Dec 1, 2023 view more
Region: Western Importer of Destructive Devices Phone: (805)-748-0894

Licensees near Vts Logistics LLC

The table below has a list of firearm licensees within the same zip code of Vts Logistics LLC .

License Name License Number License Type Business Name Location
Stag Arms LLC 9-91-053-07-2J-09257 07 Stag Arms Stag Defense 2310 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA
Cartel Tactical LLC 9-91-053-07-3F-10144 07 N/A 2136 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA

Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status any license listed on this page.