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Firearm disqualifications in New Mexico
What disqualifies you from owning a firearm in New Mexico?
Someone in New Mexico is disqualified from owning a firearm if they are:
- Anyone under indictment
- Anyone under 19 years of age
- Anyone with a felony
- Anyone with a substance abuse disorder
- An illegal alien
- Anyone suffering from a severe mental illness
- Anyone under a restraining order
- Anyone who renounces their citizenship
- Any military personnel that was discharged for dishonorable conduct
Felony restrictions on firearms in New Mexico
Those convicted of a felony in New Mexico:
- Can not purchase a gun
- Can not own a gun
- Can not be on their property with a a gun
Mental health restrictions on firearms in New Mexico
Those who are:
- Lacking competent mental capacity
- A substance abuser
Are restricted from:
- Purchasing a gun
- Owning a gun
- Being in their home with a gun
What restrictions are applied? You can use a mix of full* sentences as well as bulleted lists here.
New Mexico Military Firearm Restrictions and Exceptions
Military personnel that are stationed in New Mexico can bypass the resident requirements needed for concealed carry handguns.
More on New Mexico Firearm Laws