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Firearm disqualifications in Oregon
What disqualifies you from owning a firearm in Oregon?
Someone in Oregon is disqualified from owning a firearm if they are:
- Anyone convicted of a felony (unless pardoned).
- Anyone under probation for any type of felony.
- Anyone who has a conviction for a crime, including domestic violence or misdemeanors.
- Anyone under 18 years of age.
- Anyone committed to the Oregon Health Authority due to mental illness
- Anyone under the "Extreme Risk Protection Order."
Felony restrictions on firearms in Oregon
Those convicted of a felony in Oregon:
- Can not purchase a gun
- Can not own a gun
- Can not be on their property with a a gun
Mental health restrictions on firearms in Oregon
Those who are:
- Lacking competent mental capacity
- A substance abuser
Are restricted from:
- Purchasing a gun
- Owning a gun
- Being in their home with a gun
More on Oregon Firearm Laws