More information on Federal Firearm Licensees (FFL), as well as what each license type can do, can be found on our FFL home page.
We also have a very helpful
FFL search tool if you want to search by postal code, state, business name, or even license number.
Does Minnesota Require a Background Check to purchase a Firearm?
Yes, Minnesota has a state law that requires a background check prior to the sale of a firearm.
In Minnesota, firearms dealers must initiate the background check required by federal law by contacting the FBI directly.
Owning a firearm in Minnesota
Does Minnesota have a Gun Free Zone law?
Yes, Minnesota has a defined list of gun free zones:
At a private residence
Within a state game
At a correctional facilty
A building controlled by the state capitol
Jail facilty
Camps and mobile home parks
The grounds of certain licensed horse racing associations
Veterans’ homes
Licensed day care facilities
Adult foster homes
Property owned or controlled by the Minnesota Zoological Garden
Sports arenas
Gambling facilities
Polling places
Does Minnesota Require a Safety Course to own a Firearm?
Yes, you are required to take a safety course prior to owning a firearm in Minnesota.
Applicants for a permit to carry must have training in the safe use of a handgun. A basic handgun safety training includes :-
Instruction in the fundamentals of handgun use
Successful completion of an actual shooting qualification exercise
Legal aspects of handgun possession, carrying, and use, including self-defense and the restrictions on the use of deadly force