Timothy P Mcauliffe

Total Licenses: 2

License types: 2

Total Locations: 3

Total Mfg in 2020: 0

Timothy P Mcauliffe has a total of 2 firearm licenses accross 3 distinct locations.

Timothy P Mcauliffe Aproximate Location and Information

Most Recent Lincese Number





9771 Ray Place, Minocqua, WI

Phone Number


Timothy P Mcauliffe Firearm License List

The table below has general information about each license under Timothy P Mcauliffe. Use the link at the end of each row to expand the information shown for that license.

License Number License Type Location # Mfg Exp Date
3-39-085-01-1K-34676 01 9771 Ray Place, Minocqua, WI 0 Oct 1, 2021
Region: Midwest Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) Phone: (715)-356-7567
3-39-085-06-9G-06511 06 9764 Ray Place, Minocqua, WI 0 Jul 1, 2019
Region: Midwest Manufacturer of Ammunition for Firearms Phone: (715)-356-7567

Licensees near Timothy P Mcauliffe

The table below has a list of firearm licensees within the same zip code of Timothy P Mcauliffe.

License Name License Number License Type Business Name Location
James Rehm 3-39-085-01-9B-02015 01 N/A 11467 Hill Ct, Minocqua, WI
Wal Mart Stores East LP 3-39-085-01-9H-06567 01 Walmart 2510 8760 Northridge Way, Minocqua, WI
Blacked Out Arms LLC 3-39-125-07-1B-07574 07 N/A 2504 Heeler Rd, St Germain, WI
Fred Rudy 3-39-085-01-8J-08021 01 N/A 9116 Cyt Hwy J, Woodruff, WI
Boss LLC 3-39-085-01-9M-08789 01 N/A 7750 Hwy 51 Suite A, Minocqua, WI
Titletown Armament LLC 3-39-125-07-3B-10832 07 Clogged Lines 2535 Old Indian Village Road, Lac Du Flambeau, WI
Harlow J Scherf 3-39-085-01-9H-10890 01 Outpost North 148 Forest Cir, Woodruff, WI
Simpson Electric Company Inc 3-39-125-06-4H-12887 06 N/A 851 Whitefeather Street, Lac Du Flambeau, WI
Buck Shot Arms 3-39-085-07-4L-13226 07 N/A 8631 Peggy Ln, Minocqua, WI
Elijah William Sisney 3-39-085-01-5C-13539 01 Semper Smithing 809 Cedar St, Minocqua, WI

Map of Licensees near Timothy P Mcauliffe within 15 miles

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Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status any license listed on this page.