License Type: 08 - Importer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices
Scott Pilkington in Monteagle, TN has a type 08 federal firearm license. Scott Pilkington does business under the name Pilkington Competition This license expired on Feb 1, 2025, which means that unless Scott Pilkington has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.
**** NOTE This expiration date is based on our most recent data downloaded from the ATF website. The update was perfomed on: September 2, 2024. This means that the expiration date may not be accurate. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to research the status of this license. ****
354 Little Trees Ramble, Monteagle, TN
There are a total of 23 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Scott Pilkington.
License name | Location | License Type |
Mark Jason Bohannan | 3087 Georgia Crossing Rd, Winchester, TN | 01 |
Wayne Smith | 1338 Tranquil Acres, Sequatchie, TN | 01 |
Aubrey Lee & Durham Harper | 18451 Sr 50, Altamont, TN | 01 |
Steven Michael Ogden | 6226 Hwy 108, Whitwell, TN | 07 |
Fox Gun & Pawn LLC | 61 College St, Monteagle, TN | 02 |
Justin & Marla Campbell | 958 Hobbs Hill Rd, Tracy City, TN | 01 |
Liberty Firearms Of Tn LLC | 434 Clifford Dykes Road, Tracy City, TN | 01 |
Robert D Jr Holt | 580 Vernon Winton Rd, Hillsboro, TN | 01 |
Robert James Jr Loftus | 87 Sims Ln, Hillsboro, TN | 01 |
Robert James Jr Loftus | 87 Sims Ln, Hillsboro, TN | 06 |
The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.