License Name: Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D

Business Name: Bobs Gun Shop

License Type: 01 - Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths)

Expired Expires: Jul 1, 2018

Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D in Underwood, IA has a type 01 federal firearm license. Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D does business under the name Bobs Gun Shop This license expired on Jul 1, 2018, which means that unless Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D has an updated license they cannot continue to legally do business.

License Number





23398 282nd St, Underwood, IA

Phone Number


Licensees near Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D

There are a total of 43 other firearm license holders in the same zip code as Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D.

License name Location License Type
Bryan Keith Williams 25844 390th St, Hancock, IA 01
Der Jagerhof Inc 301 W Pierce Suite 3, Council Bluffs, IA 01
Double D & B LLC 3011 W Broadway, Council Blfs, IA 02
Ezpawn Iowa Inc 1918 W Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA 02
Robert Allen Schulze 12800 240 St, Council Bluffs, IA 01
Clayton Lloyd Deitchler 50787 250th St, Mineola, IA 01
Stephen A Harrison 807 S 21st Street, Council Bluffs, IA 01
Dan Smith 830 4th Ave, Council Bluffs, IA 01
Dms Loans LLC 2709 W Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA 02
Ralph E Iii Spencer 3322 Overton Ave, Logan, IA 01

Map of Licensees near Ronald Salsbury Successor To Salsbury Robert D within 15 miles

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500 m
2000 ft

The data presented on this page is NOT an acceptable substitute for a certified copy of a Federal Firearms License. Please use the official tool provided by the ATF website to view the official status of this license.