Tennessee's Concealed Carry

Tennessee issues permits on a "shall issue" basis. This permit allows both open and concealed carry of handguns. In most cases carrying of loaded long guns is illegal. Carry of loaded long guns in private vehicles is permitted with a Handgun Carry Permit(HCP) as long as the firearm has no round chambered 39-17-1307(e).


TCA 39-17-1351

What is Concealed Carry?

Concealed carry is the ability to, legally carry a gun that is not plainly visible. This applies to carrying it on one's person, or inside their vehicle. While many states allow concealed carry of a firearm on one's person with a permit, most do not allow concealed carry in a vehicle, or have strict guidelines on how the gun must be stored.

Most states require the applicant be at least 21 to apply for a permit, along with other requirements unique from state to state. There is a fee invaulved in getting a CCW which varies widly from state to state. Some states honor the concealed carry permit of certain other states (see the Permits Honored section for a complete listing).

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